The chair-less office

"A company will do well if you get rid of the chairs and computers"

- Hisashi Sakamaki, Canon President

The blue sign on the floor also says "Lets rush - if we don't then the company and world will perish." The corridor was designed to detect whether employees were walking at least 5 meters for every 3.6 seconds.





Design the page

A simple tip written down during a Graphic Design lecture at RISD. The lecturer (name forgotten) simply said "when you're writing, sketching, doodling, or whatever it is to fill blank your page." What he meant was regardless of whether it's a sticky note, a business proposal, a diagram, or white board, consider your elements of design. Experiment with your aesthetic in these trivial layouts, because how you do anything is how you do everything. If it looks sloppy, disproportioned, or illegible, chances are so will the sketches for your next poster, web page, or product. 

Excellent quote

"It's impossible, that's let's start working." 

- Philippe Petit, the man who walked across a cable connecting the World Trade Center towers. Taken from the documentary "Man on Wire".

Man on Wire trailer

This is an amazing, Oscar winning documentary about Philippe Petit, the man who walked a tight rope between the two World Trade Center buildings. Highly recommend it. $4 to rent on iTunes.