
Noun • A type of transformer that becomes a mustache (and plays a cameo in the movie 'Inception')

"Harry quickly evaded his fellow co-workers by activating his inceptistache."

Lowercase Capital knows branding

I've certainly heard of Lowercase Capital before. Tonight I stumbled onto their site for the first time. What a great web site for a venture capitalist. The messaging is spot on and fun to read. The mood and tone are consistent and interesting. I imagine it attracts a certain type of entrepreneur, one who is entering the world of funding for the first time. It's here where you're trying to wrap your head around the people & process. I can see the site reducing the anxiety a first time entrepreneur has when approaching an investor. Very few take the approach of Lowercase (and actually nail it). Well done, Chris.




The Happiness Process

This is a three-step process to finding happiness, inspired by my friend Liya.  

Step 1: Identify one thing you do that makes you unhappy. Write it down.

Step 2: Look at what you wrote down. Replace it with something that makes you happy.

Step 3: Repeat one week from now.

Update: Thanks Adam for the LifeHacker post. Here's a great visual follow-up designed by Alex Koplin. Read more about his inspiration here. (Props to LH commenter Maave for the tip).