Someone once told me at a young age, "you are the compilation of the books you read, movies you watch, and people you surround yourself with". 2013 was a year of surrounding myself with some of the most talented designers, engineers, producers, and other team members at Airbnb. They inspired me, challenged me, and helped me grow. My only wish is I provided the same challenges to them in return.
We also read a lot, sharing articles and discoveries back and forth. Here are some of those pieces.
The Inferno of Independence Frank Chimero
Mr. Chemex: The Eccentric Inventor Who Reimagined the Perfect Cup of Coffee Collectors Weekly
Fail Safe: Debbie Millman’s Advice on Courage and the Creative Life Brain Pickings
What Data Can't Do NY Times
Golden Age of UI Wired
Why Leaders Eat Last Simon Sinek
The School for Poetic Computation NY Times
Everything you Need to Know About Startups Commonwealth Club
Design for Offline A List Apart
Impersonating the Machine Book Two
Are You Sure? Radio Lab
Diabo Dreams of Coffee Roads & Kingdoms
The Complete Guide to Setting Goals Quartz
This is how a Helsingin Sanomat journalist tried to save Nokia Helsingin Sanomat
Growthism Harvard Business Review
As a Man Thinketh
Nelly Ben Heyoun Protein
Let There be an iPhone NY Times
Cheap Razor Made after P&G Watches Indians Shave AP
How to be More LIke Uber & Airbnb Forbes
Creating the Best Workplace on Earth Harvard Business Review
64-year-old woman swims from Cuba to Florida without shark AP
The Dribbblisation of Design Intercom
Chinese Web Design Patterns CX Partners
Tim Cook Interview BloombergBusinessWeek
Belonging Today Institute for Public Knowledge
Starbucks Goes Local BrandChannel
How Not to Stay on Top NY Times
If Steve Ballmer ran Apple Stratechery
On Owning It Seth Godin
5 Startup Hiring Mistakes That Can Crush Your Culture On Startups
Secret Ingredient for Success NY Times